Philomelus Industries
Cicada Heavy Transport
Hummingbird Civilian Transport
Mara Mining Ship
Apheleia Ltd
Ares Multi-Roll Hull
Spitfire Prospecting Ship
Sprinter Mk 1-4 Singleship
Juno Shuttle
Enkov Industrial
Pathfinder Exploration Ship
Archimedes Colony Ship
Maddox Industrial TransportThe Hawk from (Smugglers) is a Maddox Industrial Transport Ship.

The Maddox Industrial Transport Ship is 136 by 40 meters. It features two large cargo holds and a hangerbay for a single medium or two small shuttles. THe Maddox is driven by three large and four small Kobayashi engines.
Funo-Watanabe Heavy Aerospace
Callee Frigate
Dhokat Weapon Platform
Aegis Destroyer
Mirra Corvette
Engstrom Development
Schooner Class Multi-Roll Hull
Clipper Transport
Caravel Singleship
Galleon Cargoship
Wyke-Tindal Amalgamated
Ko'Dok Generation Ship Prototype
Dramni Cryotransport
Kelsa Shuttle